Andrés Pérez-Figueroa
CV (pdf)
Caballero, A.
Optimal management of genetic diversity in subdivided populations
Metapop2: re‐implementation of software for the analysis and management of subdivided populations using gene and allelic diversity
Population genomics of parallel evolution in gene expression and gene sequence during ecological adaptation
On the Consequences of Purging and Linkage on Fitness and Genetic Diversity
Allelic diversity for neutral markers retains a higher adaptive potential for quantitative traits than expected heterozygosity
The action of stabilizing selection, mutation, and drift on epistatic quantitative traits
A simulation study on the performance of differentiation-based methods to detect selected loci using linked neutral markers
Analysis and management of gene and allelic diversity in subdivided populations using the software program METAPOP.
Comparing three different methods to detect selective loci using dominant markers
The Action of Purifying Selection, Mutation and Drift on Fitness Epistatic Systems
METAPOP—A software for the management and analysis of subdivided populations in conservation programs
Preserving Population Allele Frequencies in Ex Situ Conservation Programs
Changes in genetic parameters for fitness-related traits in a captive population of *Drosophila melanogaster*
Comparing the estimation properties of different statistics for measuring sexual isolation from mating frequencies
Genetic Differentiation and Estimation of Effective Population Size and Migration Rates in Two Sympatric Ecotypes of the Marine Snail *Littorina saxatilis*
The evolutionary forces maintaining a wild polymorphism of *Littorina saxatilis*: model selection by computer simulations
Mutation‐selection balance accounting for genetic variation for viability in *Drosophila melanogaster* as deduced from an inbreeding and artificial selection experiment
Lack of nonadditive genetic effects on early fecundity in *Drosophila melanogaster*
Inferences on the nature of genetic variation for viability from artificial selection and inbreeding in *Drosophila*.